Partnering to Advance Traffic Safety

Micromobility Safety Initiative - Public Data Repository

Selected by U.S. Department of Transportation, in 2020 Populus received funding to support leveraging big data to improve micromobility safety.

To support and accelerate safety of all vulnerable road users, the following datasets have been made available by Populus, with the support of the U.S. Department of Transportation, cities, and micromobility operators.

  • Bicycle and pedestrian crash data for Alexandria (VA), Nashville (TN), and San Jose (CA)

  • Micromobility trip data aggregated to road network segments for Alexandria (VA), Nashville (TN), and San Jose (CA)

  • Micromobility trip data aggregated to bike network segments for Alexandria (VA), Nashville (TN), and San Jose (CA)

To request access to data, please visit the U.S. Department of Transportation Secure Data Commons.


 Ready to learn more?

Cities of all sizes work with Populus to manage their shared micromobility programs, as the trusted leader in micromobility data analysis. Reach out to learn more about how to partner with us on this exciting initiative to accelerate transportation safety.